The Body Electric

29 June 2025

231027 Manchester Collective LAD Southbank (Mike Skelton)-6066.jpg

From the sublime to the electric.

We explore the power of the soloist in a performance of stark contrasts.

Intimate, resonant sounds lull us into a false sense of security, before the violin and cello begin battling it out onstage. The pair end up drenched in delay, distortion and reverb; flitting between chaos, peace and order. 

Gate-crashing the calm is Zoë Martlew’s ‘G-Lude’ for solo cello and electronics. A cathartic howl exploding from the quiet, it’s a celebration of the rough edges, complete with wild scrapes, screeches, thwacks and gasps. ‘G-Lude’ is a raucous homage to the Bach ‘Prelude’ also featured in this show.

Not content with letting the cello have the final say, Rakhi Singh’s arrangement of Julia Wolfe’s ‘LAD’, originally for nine bagpipes, is reinvented here for just one very loud violin – plugged into a crunchy guitar pedal. 

Consider the mic dropped.

This event is part of Manchester Classical – a vibrant celebration of the city’s dynamic classical music scene.


29 Jun – Manchester – Bridgewater Hall – Book →

Check times, ticket prices and access info via the links above


David Lang Mystery Sonatas, 1. Joy
J.S. Bach Prelude from Cello Suite No.1 in G Major
Missy Mazzoli Vespers
Zoë Martlew G-Lude
J.S. Bach Allemande and Sarabande from Cello Suite No.1 in G Major
Julia Wolfe arr. Rakhi Singh LAD

Approximate runtime: 60 mins



Rakhi Singh Violin
Zoë Martlew Cello


Experimental programming.
Engaging performances.
Radical human experiences.

Neon at Bridgewater Hall for Manchester Classical © Chris Payne (1).jpg